Island Man
JoinedPosts by Island Man
Sun,moon, earth and mathematics .
by atomant injust thought id let you all in on some info i found on
that magical moment where the moon blocks out the sun!
but only just enough to perfectly cover the suns disc, whilst still allowing us to see the corona of light and other electromagnetic forces radiating from it.. this only happens because the moon diameter is exactly 1/400th the size of the suns and is positioned at exactly 1/400th of the distance between earth and the sun!so, when we see it from the surface of earth, we are in the only place this can ever be seen, at the only time it could ever happen.
Question for science geeks
by rebelfighter indo any of you know anything about prescription medications and their reactions?
the doctors cannot explain why but i react to everything they prescribe to the point that now all my doctors are attempting neutral remedies before medication.
tomorrow i am having surgery to drill a hole in my head to put in a titanium rod and we are doing local instead of general simply because it lessens the amount of needed drugs.
Island Man
What you can probably do is look at the ingredients present in all the medications that you have had adverse reactions to and see if there is a common ingredient in them all. If there is a common ingredient then you may be allergic to it or maybe your body is unable to process that ingredient.
The borg is fighting tooth and nail to not turn over sex abuse records, and the press is taking note :)
by EndofMysteries in
Island Man
The borg is fighting tooth and nail...
Don't you mean "tooth and claw"?
Looking for evolutionary info on how smells can be carried on DNA
by Crabby inas i said last night the smell of pus from an infection is recognized by all puppies without their being exposed to the smell previously, this is shown because all puppies react the same way to this smell, which is to lick the infected pus laden wound.. this demonstrates that smells are carried on dna in some way.
any thoughts on how?.
Island Man
Let me see if I can explain it to you in simple terms Crabby.
In any population of animals of a particular species you have a variation in traits. That variation in traits is a reflection of variation in DNA. One such variation in traits would be preference for the taste of pus. Some in the population would love the taste of pus and others won't.
Those that love the taste of pus would lick the pus laden wounds, disinfecting it and halting the progression of infection. The incidence of death by infection would thus be lower in this set of animals. They would thus have a longer lifespan per capita and more opportunity to reproduce.
Those that don't love the taste of pus would not lick the pus laden wounds, and would thus have more deaths by infection. The incidence of death by infection would thus be higher in this set of animals. They would thus have a shorter lifespan per capita and less opportunity to reproduce.
So over time, because the pus lovers have a reproductive advantage - due to their infection survival advantage - the offspring of the pus lovers will outnumber the offspring of the pus haters (or pus "apathites"). Eventually over the course of many generations the genes that result in the love of pus will pervade the whole population. Fast forward millions of years and we arrive at today where dogs virtually all love to lick pus wounds. It's not because they remember the taste of pus from their genes. It's because the genes for loving the taste of pus were naturally selected for because it afforded the species a survival advantage. It has nothing to do with memory of what pus tastes like. The dogs just find the smell and taste pleasing without knowing how or why.
So let's review: There's variation in genetic traits in every population. Those genetic traits that happen to ultimately provide a reproductive advantage within the environment of the population, will eventually become the dominant trait in the population. This is called natural selection. The environment acts as a seive, selecting for survival, those traits that are most advantageous to the animal in that environment. There's no intelligence involved. It's all probability and statistics.
There is science that prove God exists
by HopeEverLasting injehovahs witnesses think that just the bible is proof that god exists but they are wrong.
there is another mode for how he exists.
now we all know many scientists who are creationists now weren’t creationists until they examined the evidence for themselves.
Island Man
"l always have a good laugh when people on this forum say your an idiot if you believe in god when in fact they once believed in god.what does that say about them?"
I was once an idiot. I know and accept that. What's your point?
Here's a fact that you cannot dispute and which should move you to humility and carefully re-examining your position:
The majority of the atheists on this forum were once like you believing in God. They know all about your fallacious arguments; just as much or more scripture than you do. They also know more about science and evolution than you do. They are familiar with both sides of the debate so their conviction is a fully informed one, based on knowing and weighing both sides.
On the other hand, most theists on this forum know a lot of fallacious arguments and scripture, but have a very poor grasp of science and especially the subject of evolution - this fact is made evident time and time again in the kinds of inane questions and arguments against evolution presented in theistic questions. Now ask yourself these questions:
1. What credibility does a critic of a particular view have, when he does not understand the view to begin with?
2. Imagine that two people are in disagreement about an issue, each proposing a different one of two conflicting views about it (View A and View B). Person A fully understands both views as he has researched them both - in fact he was formally a proponent of the competing view B, but changed his mind and rejected it once he researched view A.
Person B is only familiar with and understanding of, arguments for view B. He knows very little of view A and much of the little he knows is in a distorted form as he received it from misinformation he heard from persons arguing against it.
If you had to bet on which of the two persons are more likely to be correct who would you choose: the one who only understands one view and argues against the other, while being largely in ignorance of it? Or the one who knows both views and rejected one view in favor of the other after researching the other?
So This is What They are Studying This Week at the Mid-Week Meeting -"Don't Give Way to Doubt"
by xjwsrock inthis week they finish up a chapter in the "imitate their faith" book about peter.
they cover the account of jesus walking on water.
in the story peter also walks on the water out to jesus.
Island Man
Isn't it just the height of irony that they're using a Bible account which in itself, by its very nature, evokes doubt of its truthfulness (walking on water? really?!) to teach a lesson on the need to not doubt?
So anytime JWs have doubts about the Truth being true they should remember the very fantastical and dubious story of Jesus and Peter walking on water and that should help them ease their doubts? Really?! lol
I've had enough..
by raven inso last night, after thinking "wow those pesky elders have finally left me alone, maybe since i skipped out on their jc invitation back on august 1st they've given up" wrong.. i go to check the mail and there's an envelope at my front door- lo and behold, another letter from from these elders.. why won't they leave me alone already?
i'll attach a picture of the letter.. again, same letter as the first one inviting me to a judicial committee on august 15th - and signed by all three elders.. should i just continue to ignore?
quite frankly i don't give a rats arse i've been enjoying life free from the mind control of the organization, and i just wish they would drop it and let me live life.. like i mentioned before, i am moving to a new home next week, the only reason these elders have my current address ( which happens to be over 100 miles away from the cong ) is because my mother gave it to them, after i gave it to her in confidence to forward me my mail.. so lets just say she won't be getting my new address... i don't have any contact with ones from this congregation (i'm an ex pioneer, so i'm sure if they've gotten word on what i'm doing, i must be satan himself!
Island Man
Here's a response you can write them:
Dear Judicial Committee,
I will not be attending your star chamber tribunal witch-hunt seeking to inquire into my personal affairs which are none of your business.
I have no "issues" with my present living arrangements. I am in no need of any "help" from you condescending lot. The "issues" you refer to are none of my business. They're all yours - the products of your masters in New York and the imaginary being that you worship. Go get help for your own issues and stop trying to make them my issues!
Fully awake, kool-aid free and sober,
Post votes rolled up to topics
by Simon injust an experiment to see if it's useful or not .... the likes and dislikes for posts are now rolled up to the topic so you can see whether a topic is mostly positive or negative (or maybe a battleground?).
with some 'decay' to the votes built in this might evolve into "most vibrant topics" based on more than just the number or recency of replies (ideally all will factor in).. ps: don't worry if some topic totals are wrong right now - i need to run a job to put some of them right..
Island Man
I think it might be good to use averages instead of totals - the average number of upvotes per post vs the average number of downvotes per post. Vote totals can be a bit misleading if the thread is very long - it would speak more to the length of the thread than how positive it is, and you already indicate the length of the thread by displaying the number of posts.
David H. Splane: The “Slave” Is Not 1900 Years Old (Matt. 24:45)
by ToesUp indavid splane video.
morning worship.
david splane attempts to explain why the "slave" is not 1900 years old.. may cause drowsiness!.
Island Man
So Jesus spoke to his 12 disciples about an entirely future matter that had absolutely nothing to do with them, whatsoever, and had everything to do with the leadership of an obscure cult that would come into being in the 19th century and would be headquartered in New York, USA. Really?!
There are few examples in the religious world, of such stupendous delusion and narcissism on the part of cult leaders.
Which Scripture "don't judge others customs"?
by Drifting Away ini am starting to get to the boiling point, to make a long story short, i am getting hounded from alot of family and elder visits.
i sorta put a halt on the elder visits, but the family is starting in on me now.
anyway to get back to topic, what scripture is it that says something to the affect of that do not judge how some celebrate there customs or beliefs or something like that?.
Island Man
And if they ask you if you believe that the GB is the FDS you can read 1 Corinthians 4:1-6 at them. Just keep reading at them over and over again until they get the point.